Türk Narkolepsi Ağı Yönetim Kurulu

Gulcin Benbir Senel, Prof
President and Founding member of TNN

Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Division of Clinical Neurophysiology, Sleep and Disorders Unit, Istanbul, Turkey

Areas of specialty: Sleep Medicine

Visiting fellow in Stanford University, 2005

Deniz Tuncel Berktas, Prof
Vice President and Founding member of TNN

Dean of Kahramanmaras Sutcuimam University Faculty of Health Sciences, 2018
Kahramanmaras Sutcuimam University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Kahramanmaras, Turkey

Areas of specialty: Sleep Medicine, Epilepsy, MS

Sleep fellow in Pittsburgh University Sleep Medicine Center, 2008
Epilepsy Surgery Course in Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center, 2013

Utku Ogan Akyildiz, Asist Prof
Secretary and Founding member of TNN

Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Aydin, Turkey

Areas of specialty: Sleep Medicine, Epilepsy, EMG

Kezban Aslan-Kara, Prof
Founding member of TNN

Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Division of Clinical Neurophysiology, Adana, Turkey

Areas of specialty: Sleep Medicine and Epilepsy

Neurology fellow in Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital, Austria, 2002
Epilepsy Fellow in Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center, 2014

Guray Koc, Assoc Prof
Founding member of TNN

Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Areas of specialty: Sleep Medicine and Epilepsy

Epilepsy Fellow in Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center, 2012-2013

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